Enums in Solidity : Solidity Programming

10 months ago Lalit Bhagtani 0


In this article, we will explore the concept of enums in solidity programming language, discussing their advantages, disadvantages, and real-world examples of their implementation in decentralized protocols.

What are Enums in Solidity ?

Enums are a user-defined data type in Solidity that allows developers to declare a finite set of named constants. These constants represent the various possible states or choices that a specific variable can hold. Enumerations are helpful for improving code readability since they let you express various choices with meaningful names rather than just random integers.

In Solidity, enums are defined using the enum keyword, followed by the name of the enum and its possible values enclosed in curly braces. Here’s a basic example of how an enum is declared in Solidity:


In this example, the enum “Status” has been established, and its three potential values are “PENDING,” “APPROVED,” and “REJECTED.” An integer value is automatically assigned to each entry in the enum, starting at 0 for the first entry and increasing by 1 for each following entry (for example, PENDING = 0, APPROVED = 1, REJECTED = 2).


Readability – One of the primary advantages of using enums in Solidity is the improvement in code readability. By assigning meaningful names to states or choices, developers can easily understand the purpose and behavior of variables that use enums. This clarity leads to more maintainable and comprehensible smart contracts.

Safety – Enums enhance the safety of smart contracts by restricting the possible values that a variable can hold to a finite set of predefined options. Solidity ensures that enum values are always valid, and any attempt to assign an invalid value to an enum will result in a runtime error. This safety feature helps prevent unexpected behavior and potential vulnerabilities in the contract code.


Immutability – Once an enum is declared, its set of values cannot be changed. This immutability may pose a limitation if the contract’s requirements evolve over time, and you need to add or remove values from the enum. In such cases, developers might have to resort to workarounds or deploy a new contract version, which can be cumbersome and lead to additional complexities.

No Direct Integer Comparison – Although enums are stored as integers, they cannot be directly compared to integer values or assigned integer values. This limitation might require developers to use additional logic when working with enum values and performing comparisons, which can add complexity to the code.


Let’s consider a decentralized voting protocol where users can cast their votes using a smart contract. The contract can define an enum named “VoteChoice” to represent the different voting options, such as “YES,” “NO,” and “ABSTAIN.” By using enums, the contract ensures that each vote choice is valid and clearly defined, minimizing the risk of errors during the voting process.

Code Implementation

Let’s take a look at the Solidity code snippet demonstrates the usage of enums:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

contract Voting {

    enum VoteChoice {

    mapping(address => VoteChoice) public votes;

    function castVote(VoteChoice choice) external {
        // Perform validation or other logic here
        votes[msg.sender] = choice;

That’s all for Solidity Programming: Enums in Solidity, If you liked it, please share your thoughts in a comments section and share it with others too.