Python Tuple Methods – Python Tutorial

6 years ago Lalit Bhagtani 0

In this tutorial, we will learn about different python tuple methods.

Python Tuple Methods

count() method :

This method is used to count total number of occurrence of x ( passed as an argument ) in a tuple object.

Syntax : < Tuple Object >.count(< Argument >)


# create tuple object and assign it to variable t t = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Jan') # calling count() method by passing 'Jan' as an argument count = t.count('Jan') # print the value of variable count print(count)

index method :

This method is used to get the index of first occurrence of x ( passed as an argument ) in a tuple object. Here i is a start index and j is a end index, if values of i and j are passed as an argument then first occurrence of x is searched between these two indexes.

Syntax : < Tuple Object >.index(< Argument > [ , i [ ,  j ] ] )


# create tuple object and assign it to variable t t = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Jan') # calling index() method by passing 'Jan' as an argument index = t.index('Jan') # print the value of variable index print(index) # calling index() method by passing 'Jan' and starting index 1 index = t.index('Jan',1) # print the value of variable index print(index) # calling index() method by passing 'Jan', 0 as starting index and 2 as ending index index = t.index('Jan',0,2) # print the value of variable index print(index)

References :-

  1. Tuple Methods Docs

That’s all for Python Tuple Methods. If you liked it, please share your thoughts in comments section and share it with others too.
