Rope Puzzle (Interview Puzzle)

8 years ago Lalit Bhagtani 0

Rope Puzzle :- You have given two ropes of varying thickness both are of different density, different width, and different length. Each rope burns in 60 minutes. You have to measure 45 minutes using only these two ropes. Note that you can not cut one rope in half because the ropes are non-homogeneous and you can not be sure how long it will burn.

Rope Puzzle

Now try to solve this on your own…

Solution of Rope Puzzle :- 

Let’s name each rope for easy understanding, first rope as A and second rope as B. As per the problem statement :-

A (density) not equal to B (density)

A (length) not equal to B (length)

A (width) not equal to B (width)

First Step :- Burn rope A from both ends and rope B from one end.

After 30 minutes, rope A will be completely burned, as it was burning from both ends and 30 minutes is left for rope B to completely burn.

Second Step :- Burn another end of rope B.

After 15 minutes, rope B will be completely burned, as it was burning from both ends and only 30 minutes were left for it to completely burn.

Total time taken is 45 minutes.

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