Maximum Subarray | Array Problem

4 years ago Lalit Bhagtani 0

Problem Statement

You have given an array of integers, write a program to find out the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) having the largest sum.


Maximum Subarray

Input :- [2, 1, -3, -4, 5, 2, 1, 5, -4] 
Output :- 13
Input :- [4, 3, -1, -4, 12, -9, 1, -2, 4]
Output :- 14


Kadane’s algorithm can be used to solve the maximum subarray problem. In Kadane’s algorithm, we look for all positive contiguous segments of the array and keep track of the maximum sum (max) contiguous segment among all positive segments. Each time when we get a positive sum, we compare it with the maximum sum (max) and if it is greater than max, then we update it.


public class Main {

	public static void main(String[] args) {		
		Main main = new Main();
		int result = main.maxSubArray(new int[] {4, 3, -1, -4, 12, -9, 1, -2, 4});
	/* Solution */    
	public int maxSubArray(int[] nums) {
        int sum = nums[0], max = nums[0];
        for(int i=1; i<nums.length; i++) {
            sum = Math.max(nums[i], nums[i]+sum);
            max = Math.max(sum, max);
        return max;



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