Redis List – Commands to manage a list value in redis datastore

5 years ago Lalit Bhagtani 0

Lists are a sequence of strings sorted by insertion order, In Redis, list can be store as a value at key and various redis commands are used to store, manage and retrieved a list value stored in redis database. The syntax for using redis commands is as follows :-

Syntax :-

redis host:post> <Command Name> <key name>

Example :-

Redis List

Redis List Value Commands :- 

Some of the important commands to manage list value in redis database are as follows :-

S.No Command Description
1 BLPOP Return and remove first element of the list or blocks it until one is available
2 BRPOP Return and remove last element of the list or blocks it until one is available
3 BRPOPLPUSH Removes last element from a list and insert it into another list or blocks it until one is available
4 LINDEX Returns an element from a list by its index
5 LINSERT Insert an element before or after another element of a list
6 LLEN Returns length of the list
7 LPOP Return and remove first element of the list
8 LPUSH Insert one or more element at head of the list
9 LPUSHX Insert element at head of the list, only if it exist
10 LRANGE Returns a range of element from the list
11 LREM Removes element from the list
12 LSET Sets an element to a list by its index
13 LTRIM Trim a list to the specified range
14 RPOP Return and remove last element of the list
15 RPOPLPUSH Removes last element from a list and insert it into another list
16 RPUSH Insert one or more element at tail of the list
17 RPUSHX Insert element at tail of the list, only if it exist


References :-

  1. List Command Docs

That’s all for Redis list value and commands used to store and manage it in redis datastore. If you liked it, please share your thoughts in comments section and share it with others too.