Redis String – Commands to manage a string value in redis datastore

5 years ago Lalit Bhagtani 0

Strings are a sequence of characters, In Redis, strings can be store as a value at key and various redis commands are used to store, manage and retrieved a string value stored in redis database. The syntax for using redis commands is as follows :-

Syntax :-

redis host:post> <Command Name> <key name>

Example :-

Redis String

Redis String Value Commands :- 

Some of the important commands to manage string value in redis database are as follows :-

S.No Command Description
1 SET Set string value at a key
2 GET Returns string value of a key
3 GETSET Sets new string value and returns old string value of a key
4 GETRANGE Returns substring of a string value stored at a key
5 GETBIT Returns bit value by index of string value stored at a key
6 MGET Returns string value of one or more keys
7 SETBIT Set bit value by index to string value stored at a key
8 SETEX Set string value at a key with timeout in seconds
9 SETNX Set string value at a key, only if key does not exist
10 SETRANGE Update part of string value stored at a key
11 STRLEN Returns the length of string value stored at a key
12 MSET Set multiple string value at their respective keys
13 MSETNX Set multiple string value at their respective keys, only if key does not exist
14 PSETEX Set string value at a key with timeout in milliseconds
15 INCR Increment the integer value by one stored as string value at a key
16 INCRBY Increment the integer by specified value stored as string value at a key
17 INCRBYFLOAT Increment the float by specified value stored as string value at a key
18 DECR Decrements the integer value by one stored as string value at a key
19 DECRBY Decrements the integer by specified value stored as string value at a key
20 APPEND Append string to a existing string value stored at key
21 BITCOUNT Count the number of set bits (population counting) in a string
22 BITFIELD Performs operation on multiple bits
23 BITOP Performs bitwise operation on multiple keys and store result in destination key
24 BITPOS Returns the position of first bit set to 1 or 0 in a string.


References :-

  1. String Command Docs

That’s all for Redis string value and commands used to store and manage it in redis datastore. If you liked it, please share your thoughts in comments section and share it with others too.